Neglect of South Sudan Deal Threatens Peace

Sudan risks descent into civil war again unless the world community acts to implement a north-south peace deal, an international think tank said on Thursday.

The International Crisis Group said Sudan's the dominant National Congress Party was stalling implementation of elements of the January 2005 peace deal which would erode its grip on power, such as control of oil fields and revenues, reforming an oppressive security force, marking borders and holding democratic elections.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) shared wealth and power, paved the way for democratic elections in 2009 and gave the south the right to vote on secession by 2011.

"If the CPA fails - which is increasingly likely - Sudan can be expected to return to full-scale war, with devastating consequences for the entire region," said Dave Mozersky, the group's horn of Africa project director.

It said the United Nations should appoint a new head for its mission in Sudan, leaderless and lacking direction since Jan Pronk was expelled in October 2006, and focus on its core mandate to monitor implementation of the CPA.

Pronk was accused of spending too much time on Darfur while he was appointed for the north-south peace process.

"International efforts have become so concentrated on Darfur, albeit without much success, that CPA implementation -- the bedrock for peaceful transformation in the country -- is being ignored," the report said.

The NCP has in recent months arrested journalists and banned reporting on politically sensitive events. Its powerful National Security force, which under the CPA should only gather intelligence, still holds powers including to arrest without charge for up to six months and confiscate property.

The NCP has delayed the new National Security Act which should restrict the powers of the force, the report said.

"It (the NCP) continues to delay key legal reforms essential for democratic transformation... and maintains tight media restrictions," the 20-page report added.

"Those reforms pose a threat to the NCP as they would break its monopoly over structures it has used to control the country," it said.

"The ruling party considers that its very survival is threatened by full CPA implementation."


The think tank also said Khartoum's reluctance to cooperate with the international community on reaching a peaceful solution to Darfur seemed to be deliberate.

After months of threats, negotiations and talks, Khartoum finally ageed to an effective U.N.-African Union peacekeeping force, only to later reject the U.N. Security Council draft resolution authorising it.

"Khartoum's constant back-tracking and foot-dragging on the Darfur process seem designed to perpetuate the region's instability and so preclude its genuine participation in the 2009 elections," the Crisis Group report said.

Central government has delayed releasing funds for the national census which all parties say is essential before elections.

The ICG said international monitoring of the CPA implementation had to translate into action to uphold its values of democratisation in Sudan.

Sudan's north-south war has continued for all but 11 years since Sudanese independence in 1956. It claimed 2 million lives and drove more than 4 million from their homes.