Nene Leakes mugshot photos: Real Housewives of Atlanta star's past arrest record revealed

Nene Leakes mugshotClark County Sheriff's office

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Nene Leakes' past has been revealed as former mugshot photos surfaced.

The reality star, who had admitted to an arrest back in 1992, was at the time known as Linnethia Johnson.

Three mugshot photos have surfaced, which were taken in a period of two years after her initial arrest. The arrest was for three felony and one misdemeanor counts of 'theft services' from a phone company, according to MailOnline.

Nene Leakes mugshotClark County Sheriff's office

Leakes reportedly pled guilty to all four counts and was further ordered to pay $2,650 and put on two years probation. The site reports that she violated her probation, resulting in a further three arrests.

The 46-year-old currently stars in the Real Housewives of Atlanta, earning $1 million a season. She is also a contestant on the hit reality dancing competition Dancing With the Stars.

Nene Leakes had mentioned her arrest in her 2009 autobiography Never Make the Same Mistake Twice.

So far, no comments have been made by Nene Leakes or her representatives regarding in light of the mugshots that recently surfaced.

Nene Leakes mugshotClark County Sheriff's office