Nepal missionary wrongfully jailed; case to be finalized today

Good news comes from Nepal! Manja, a GFA missionary in Nepal, was wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he did not commit for three years. His case will be heard before a full panel of judges in the Supreme Court of Nepal today. "It often takes many hearings and cancellations before a case is fully decided. Please continue to pray with us for quick release and justice for our brother Manja," a GFA leader writes.

While in prison, Manja has remained joyful in Christ and a light to those around him. "The Apostle Paul counted it joy to suffer for Christ unjustly,"he told a GFA leader earlier this year," and it is no less than that for me."

Although he has to face 20 more years in prison apart from his wife and two young children, Manja has not lost sight of the Lord's calling on his life--to reach Nepal with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The hearing was supposed to be held last November, but it was delayed. Our dear brother continued to wait patiently in his prison cell, shining the light of Christ to the people around him. Like Manja, his wife remains in the joy of Christ, ministering to other women and children in Nepal. Their children study in a local school and are doing well.

A larger panel of three to five judges will now review his case. So many of Christians are faithfully praying for Manja, for his lawyer as he prepares and presents the case, and for the Lord to work in the hearts of each person who will hear it. Intercede also for Manja and his family, that they may be encouraged and kept in His peace.

"There is nothing to be discouraged about,"a GFA leader writes. "The Lord is on our side and victory is ours."