NES Classic Edition currently out of stock; Some stores taking advantage of demand

A promo photo of the refreshed version of the NES console that was released earlier this month.Nintendo

Earlier this week, Nintendo finally dished out the revamped version of their classic console, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). However, due to the hype prior to the console's release, the game machine quickly sold out as if it was blown off from the stores' shelves.

As a result, would-be buyers, most of who grew up playing with the original console, were a bit irked and disappointed with the device's shortage. Nevertheless, Nintendo dampened these feelings by assuring these children at heart that more units of the NES Classic Edition will be arriving.

Albeit overwhelmed by the current demand for the product, not to mention that the holidays are coming, it is said that the gaming company is slated to release the console in groups as they have stated that it would be difficult for them to roll out the console in just one batch.

That being said, some store owners are taking advantage of the influx of demand for the NES console. Furthermore, there are reports claiming that some resellers are squirreling the console and selling them for the same price to that of the current consoles in the market.

Meanwhile, notable names in the gaming industry were also enthralled by the hype for the updated NES console but were unable to acquire a unit for themselves. Microsoft Studios Publishing general manager Shannon Loftis expressed her frustration on Twitter when she found out that the NES Classic Edition was already out of stock. 343 Industries studio head Dan Ayoub who took part in developing the "Halo" franchise also revealed that he had repeatedly refreshed Amazon in hopes of getting the game system, but to no avail.

The NES Classic Edition is preloaded with 30 games which include iconic titles like "Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3," "Super Contra," "Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link" and even "Pac-Man."