Netherlands UFO photos: Pictures not faked but there is an explanation, claims expert [VIDEO]

This photo by Corinne Federer appears to show an object in the sky. It was taken in the Netherlands, and experts believe the photo has not been manipulated.(Photo: Corinne Federer)

A Netherlands UFO sighting has sparked huge interest as a number of photos have been uploaded and gone viral on to the Internet this week.

The photos indeed seem to show some object in the air, but many online are skeptical over whether the photos show any kind of extra-terrestrial. Most agree though that the photos do not appear to have been doctored or manipulated.

The UFO photos were shot by Corinne Federer while she was shooting five-frame HDR exposures at Muiderslot Castle.

She has said, "In order to create HDR images, you take three or more exposures — this one happened to be five — and you shoot them all at the same time, because you then overlap the images and it gives you the full spectrum of light, which your camera can't capture but your eyes can," according to The Huffington Post.

"We heard nothing, it was completely quiet out," she said.

However, after the photos were later checked the strange object could be clearly seen with an S-shaped fin.

Federer added, "The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy."

Ben Hansen, the host of SyFy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" believes that the photos have not been tampered with, but also says that there is probably a very mundane explanation.

"The object's appearance is internally consistent with the rest of the photo. For instance, look at the darker area of the underside of the object compared with the clouds. The shadowing is similar on the underside as well as the lighting on the top of the object and the clouds where the sun is brightest. Having the sun in the frame is helpful because it indicates where shadows should appear. This further supports that the object was photographed 'in-camera' and not added later," he said.

However, he added, "If I had to place my money on it, I would say that we're looking at insects. We typically see many wing protrusions on insect rod cases, but they do come in the single pair variety, too. It all depends on the shutter speeds and motion of the insects."

Here is a video of the UFO claims: