Network Challenges Christian Teens on Sex, Relationships and Pete Doherty

TrueTube, a new website launched to get teenagers debating moral issues, is looking for more young Christians to get involved in the network.

Users can upload their videos, from a 10-second mobile phone rant to a professionally filmed 3-minute piece, to take part in debates on a wide range of topics.

TrueTube chief executive Nick Stuart explains: "We wanted to put together a website where teenagers could get across their views on what's right and wrong with the world, and showcase their achievements in helping making the world a better place.

"We want everyone to know that there's a space out there giving young people a voice on the web that shows how teens can be a force for good, a space where teens across the world can share their views on everything from war to love to fashion to ditching boy/girlfriends!"

Current topics up for discussion include gangs, beauty and intelligence, capital punishment, sex and relationships, and the behaviour of rock star Pete Doherty.

The site provides background information to inform those discussing the issues, and links to help youngsters get involved practically, lobby their MP, and generally take action on issues that particularly interest them. It's already being used in various UK secondary schools, and Stuart is keen that young Christians get involved and bring a Christian perspective to the discussions.

"Truetube is the antidote to the voyeuristic internet world where teenagers like to look, laugh and judge without doing or saying anything of any consequence," says Stuart.