Never underestimate the power of your mustard seed faith


A few months back I was flying to a job in Sydney. I always take my journal, art pencils and pens to sketch while I'm flying, and I started to sketch a large tree, with a figure sitting on a park bench under the shade of the tree. I was not aware of what the sketch meant at the time.

The next day as I sat in church as the pastor spoke of planting seeds of faith. He said we might never see the fruition and scope of the seeds we plant—or the shade it might give someone someday—but this should not stop us sowing. By being faithful sowers we create a legacy, not from our fame, but for God's glory.

This picture reminded me of the great words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 17, verse 20 as he rebuked his followers, challenging their faith and their belief in what he was calling them to do.

'He said to them, "Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."'

It can be easy to misunderstand this passage—believing it is about us not having enough faith. It all comes down to the word 'like'. A more accurate translation from Greek to English would be the word 'as'.

Why is this important? Well, if the fate of world relies on our measure of faith we are in big trouble. For this passage is not about having enough faith, but about realising that every seed sown (not matter how big or small) has a mustard tree in its DNA.

A mountain-moving faith sounds absurd, especially if it's our faith; but if it's God's faith working in and through us anything is possible. In fact, with man it's impossible, but with God all things are possible.

The faith God gives us is made possible by Christ restoring our righteousness and cementing our place as co-heirs of the kingdom. Incredible!

South East Mountain moves and a seed is born

A few years back I was a state coordinator in South Australia for Christian Surfers and I saw a mountain to be moved. I knew it was only possible with God, but I believed it was possible.

This faith was as small as a mustard seed, but it helped me overcome the words of discouragement, 'That can't happen,' 'things always fail here,' 'good luck'—interesting words from the leaders of the church!

I saw God move a mountain to bring a mighty river flood of belief to the South East region. A mission was born and it saw a bunch of salty ocean-dwellers, otherwise known as surfers, start a movement of sowing seeds.

The results of pure faith

From humble beginnings a tree started to grow. Just like the big tree shading the bloke on the park bench in my sketch, we didn't know what would happen or how the seed would grow. Now, this tree is gaining momentum and the once-mighty mountain has been tossed into the ocean.

This group of brothers and sisters in Christ are the South East Mission in South Australia. Recently, their humility and service was recognised by the community with the awarding of a newly developed boardwalk and toilet facilities on a once-desolate beach.

This is now the place where up to 100 surfers gather to learn about Jesus, worship together on the waves and be the shade for many who just need a little love, a little compassion, and ultimately the salvation only Christ can give.

I've just returned from a camp where I've seen this seed flourishing. Never underestimate the power of God. In every seed you sow God's faith and plan, not yours. We can trust these seeds to give shade—not just to the local community, but to the nation and the world.

Justin Monaghan is currently launching as a professional prophetic artist under the label JR Faith Creations and runs a creative home fellowship with his wife Liana. Justin is also heavily involved in his local surfing community of South Australia as a surf coach, a judge of surf contests and a member of Christian Surfers Check out JR Faith Creations to see some of his art at Justin Monaghan's previous articles may be viewed at