'Neverwinter' news: 'Elemental Evil' expansion coming out soon

Twitter courtesy of "Neverwinter"

""Neverwinter" is set to receive a massive, new expansion very soon in the form of the "Elemental Evil" pack.

"Elemental Evil" will be the largest expansion that "Neverwinter" has gotten so far.

The reason for "Elemental Evil" being such an expansive new addition is because it will in essence be condensing content from four different expansions into one super-sized offering, according to IGN.

The content that will be featured in the new expansion will be coming from the packs known as "Curse of the Icewind Dale," "Elemental Evil," "Fury of the Feywild," and also "Shadowmantle." Perhaps the best news for gamers is that this new pack will be made available for free.

"Elemental Evil" will also be introducing some new features to "Neverwinter" upon its release.

First off, the new expansion pack will be giving "Neverwinter" players more places to explore in the form of additional adventure zones. Players can also look forward to the addition of four more end-game campaigns, as well as more dungeons they will be given the opportunity to see and explore as they play "Neverwinter."

"Elemental Evil" will also allow players to get stronger inside the game, as the new expansion pack will be raising the in-game level cap, according to Gamespot. There will also be "quality of life" improvements added to "Neverwinter" via "Elemental Evil," although these additions have not been detailed thus far.

Lastly, a new playable class will also be introduced to "Neverwinter" via the "Elemental Evil" expansion, as players will now be given the opportunity to slay monsters inside the game as an Oathbound Paladin.

It's unclear if that will be the extent of the new features and additions that will be added to "Neverwinter" courtesy of the upcoming "Elemental Evil" expansion pack.

Until more news comes out, players can expect these new additions to arrive in "Neverwinter" when "Elemental Evil" is released on Sept. 8.