Avengers 2 Age of Ultron: New official trailer that Marvel still doesn't want us to see -two exciting villains, new Ultron

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At a recently held comic-con in the Hall H of San Diego Convention Center, Marvel's president Kevin Feige announced the title of the next Avengers film: The Age of Ultron. According to the company website, the film is slated to be released commercially on May 1, 2015.

Aside from the title, the conference had also shown the official trailer of the movie to a select few. The company decided not to release the trailer to public yet until a much later date. Exactly when that release would be was also kept as a secret.

There were of course leaks – but only of the audio of the trailer. For the majority who weren't able to see the trailer but just couldn't wait to know what exactly is in store for  the sequel, be rest assured that the trailer was extremely well-received by the lucky few who actually saw it.

i09 even wrote about the trailer heartily: "Avengers: Age of Ultron Footage Shatters Our Worlds And Blows Our Minds." And Movie Pilot described it as "bone chilling."

So what did we not see in the trailer? Well, it opened with the avengers (still intact) trying to determine who among them was fit to rule the world with a test of lifting Thor's hammer. Only Steve Rogers came close into slightly moving it, but they all failed to perform the task, with the exemption of Black Widow who just wasn't interested at all.

Thor then simplified the conclusion: they were all not worthy, which became a cue for Ultron to enter noisily into the scene with an ominous line: "How could you be worthy? You're all killers. You want to protect the world, but you don't want to it to change. There's only one path to peace: your extinction."

Then robots suddenly entered the room to attack the avengers followed by a flash of fighting scenes, which ended with Ultron finishing the song, which was by then already playing as background to the scenes, with the line (and the title of the song): There Are No Strings on Me. Then the scene cut to Captain America's shattered shield, and Tony Stark just helpless looked at the bodies of the other avengers lying dead amidst the rubbles.

The two new villains, Quick Silver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Scarlett Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) were, as explained by Johnson, children of Magneto from the X-Men. They would certainly bring exciting problems to our heroes because Scarlett Witch could penetrate minds and Quick Silver was, well, VERY quick.

Another interesting revelation was the choice of James Spader to play Ultron. Director Joss Whedon explained, "Spader was my first and only choice. He's got that hypnotic voice that can be eerily calm and compelling, but he's also very human and humorous. Ultron is not Hal. Spader can play all of the levels. He's the guy to break The Avengers into pieces."

Movie goers could expect exciting times ahead indeed.