New Bishop Chosen for England’s 2nd Largest City

The new Bishop of Birmingham I be a former BP Executive, Downing Street has announced. The Rt Rev David Urquhart, 54, who is currently Bishop of Birkenhead in the Diocese of Chester, will take up his post later in the year.

|PIC1|Bishop David, who was vicar at Holy Trinity in Coventry for eight years, said he was delighted to be returning to the West Midlands. He will succeed Rev Dr John Sentamu, who is now Archbishop of York.

The Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill has welcomed the announcement that Urquhart is to be the new Bishop of Birmingham.

He said: "If anyone can follow John Sentamu, David Urquhart can. He wants to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.

"He had a remarkable ministry in Coventry, enabling Holy Trinity to serve the City and its leaders creatively as well as grow in numbers. He has combined being a lively Bishop of Birkenhead with being Chair of the Church Mission Society and on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury has taken over Anglican links with the new China. He has been willing to risk his own safety in visiting the world's trouble- spots such as the Congo.

"England's second city needs a person of world-wide vision, and the West Midlands will benefit from his determined leadership, relaxed sense of humour and an ability to get on with all sorts of people.

|TOP|"We look forward to working with him and pray that he and his family will flourish here."

Bishop David was ordained after 10 years working in commercial management with BP.
He then served in two inner-city parishes in Hull before moving to Coventry in 1992.

"It is a great honour to have been chosen to serve as Bishop of Birmingham.

"There are exciting challenges ahead in church growth and community regeneration. I am delighted to be returning to the West Midlands and to become part of a vibrant, forward-looking, international city," he said.

Archbishop Sentamu said: "I am delighted Bishop David is to be the next Bishop of Birmingham and feel confident he will lead the diocese with wisdom and generosity."