New book celebrates 50 years of Operation Mobilisation

|PIC1|Celebrating 50 years of ministry, the remarkable history of Operation Mobilisation is a story waiting to be told.

Through interviews and extensive research, Ian Randall has captured, documented and brought alive the amazing journey that OM has been on during the last five decades.

Spiritual Revolution tells the story from the conversion of George Verwer, the founder and then International Director of the movement through to it becoming one of the largest mission agencies in the world.

From humble beginnings, Spiritual Revolution takes the reader through the growth and changes that today see OM with 5,400 workers serving in 110 countries.

"The story of OM International, as told vividly by Ian Randall, is one of the most thrilling, visionary, motivating stories in the history of Christian missions.

"That in our generation such a movement has arisen is enough to motivate every believer to courageous, sacrificial, worldwide evangelism," said international evangelist Luis Palau.

Stretching from India to Latin America, OM has pioneered short-term missions, ships for world evangelism, and has been at the cutting edge of the explosive growth of missions from the global church.

"A fascinating history of an organisation which has much to celebrate on its 50th Anniversary. This book represents a very readable account of OM's ministry, which will inspire all who read it with the faith, courage and witness that OM has manifested and with which it has blessed countless people over the years in many parts of the world," said human rights advocate Baroness Cox.

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