New Chairman Appointed for Christian Enquiry Agency

|TOP|The Christian Enquiry Agency (CEA) has announced the appointment of a new Chairman. The Ven Robert Freeman, Archdeacon of Halifax, succeeds the distinguished Baptist minister Revd Douglas McBain who retires after 7 years in this key role.

The CEA, which created the innovative Da Vinci Code scratchcard evangelistic campaign in cinemas nationwide, will welcome its new Chairman who said, “Christian Enquiry Agency is one of the most important and exciting evangelistic initiatives in the UK today.

Rev McBain, who is stepping down from his role also said, “My years as Chairman have been happy, fulfilling, and challenging in every way.

“Having a part in the life of an Agency on the adventurous edge of Evangelism, whilst also being driven by the great Ecumenical Vision for the whole Church, has been a wonderful privilege.”|AD|

The agency was founded 20 years ago when the late Canon Derek Palmer became the first chairman. Rev McBain then took over the position in 1999, and has continued to oversee the organisation until now.

Ven Robert Freeman brings a wealth of experience about evangelism as the former National Adviser for Evangelism in the Church of England and the current chair of, which works in close partnership with CEA.

“Christian Enquiry Agency is one of the most important and exciting evangelistic initiatives in the UK today. It enables people to encounter the gospel in their own situation and respond in ways they feel are appropriate and helpful.

“Because CEA is owned and trusted by the main denominations and churches it is can offer creative evangelistic opportunities and resources within a wide range of settings. Best of all CEA is fruitful: enabling many people to discover Jesus and find a living Christian faith,” Ven Freeman said.