New Church of England Publications to Help Newly Ordained Ministers

Two books has recently been published by the Church of England to aid newly ordained ministers as they commence their public ministry life. The Curate's Guide and The Vicar's Guide have been promoted as good sources that contain essential information, practical tips and theological reflection, which may help all those who are beginning new lives as ordained ministers.

It is hoped that these books allow readers to gain a feel for parish ministry, and provides all the facts on rural and urban, high and low churches, and all of this is accompanied with practical advice, from taking oaths at ordination to leading funerals services.

The books give real-life scenarios and examples, based on the experiences of the authors, who are: John Witcombe, Dean of St John's College Nottingham, author of The Curate's Guide and David Ison, Director of the Council for Worship and Ministry in Exeter Diocese and newly-appointed Dean of Bradford Cathedral - author of The Vicar's Guide.

"This guide is an inspiring combination of imaginative approaches and critical reflection. It aims to give clergy the tools to deal with the opportunities and challenges that are typically encountered in congregations and parishes," expressed Canon Professor Martyn Percy, Principal of Ripon College, Cuddesdo.