New Churches Together Course Confronts Violence & Forgiveness

A new study course focusing on violence and forgiveness is to be published by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland on the same day as the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, reports Ekklesia.
The ecumenical study course, called “Easter People in a Good Friday World: Witnessing Christ in the conflict of life”, is for Lent 2006 and is written by joint authors Myra Blyth and Wendy Robins.

Contemporary stories are used by the authors in this five-part course to explore different kinds of violence reported in the media, as well as issues of forgiveness and reconciliation.

The authors write: “As Christians, we dare not turn away from the agonies of the world, because it was by violence that Christ was put to death.”

They continue: “Easter People in a Good Friday World, the CTBI Lent Course for 2006, engages with anger, violence and patterns of Christian response as we seek to live as ‘Easter People’, a phrase of the late Pope John Paul II. We hope that as the fruit of your shared reflection, you will feel encouraged and better equipped to be peacemakers and reconcilers.”