New collective calls for faith and hope in business world

A new collective of socially conscious business people is presenting a radical 'back to basics' message of faith and hope to the business world at the Liverpool Summit this week.

'Together for Transformation' is calling the business world back to a fresh perspective of generosity, servant leadership, engaging communities, and aligning corporate goals with community goals in the sphere where work is conducted.

Liverpool businessman and founder of Together for Transformation, John Manwell, said that his faith led him to want to promote an alternative way of doing business in anticipation of the global economic crisis.

The group is keen to promote 'micro-financing', which has enabled many businesses to support initiatives in the developing world, whilst empowering people and lifting them out of poverty and squalor. Together for Transformation is also looking to engage with people who are keen to use their faith as a motivation for positive community projects much closer to home, such as urban arts projects or business incubation.

Commenting on the launch of Together for Transformation, Mr Manwell said: "With the business world in turmoil, as corruption and greed threaten to bring the house of cards down, we wanted to show that business could in fact be a positive force, so long as it was based on values of compassion and humanity.

"This is an urgent call to the business world to show genuine leadership and set the tone in society - promoting rather than undermining communities.

"Together for Transformation believes that there is an urgent need for business leaders to consider that there is a God who blesses integrity, and disavows greed and abuse."

The launch of Together for Transformation was inspired by pioneering businessmen and women of the 1700s, including Liverpudlian William Roscoe, who spoke out against slavery, child labour and harsh working conditions.

Mr Manwell added: "Most of the great reformers were inspired by their faith to make a difference. We are living in an age with abuse, greed and unrighteous leadership. It is time to call for a fresh approach before we lose even more."

Together for Transformation is a partnership between Mr Manwell's coaching and mentoring business Optics Limited, and environmental educator Coates Training and Christian non-profit organisation, A Call to Business.