New Dean Installed at Westminster

The Very Rev John Hall was installed as the 38th Dean of Westminster on Saturday in a ceremony which saw him officially take on the care and management of one of the most famous churches in the world, Westminster Abbey.

|PIC1|The new Dean comes to the position after eight years as the chief education officer for the Church of England during which time he was prominent in the faith schools debate.

The Dean responded to the Grant and Mandamus from The Queen by swearing and affirming a number of formal oaths.

In his sermon, the Dean spoke of the unique position of Westminster Abbey as "one of the most potent symbols" of the "inseparable link between Church and State".

"Westminster Abbey is particularly well placed to serve the partnership between Church and State in the 21st century. In the first place are the obvious historical and geographical reasons: the Abbey has a thousand years of experience in the role; and is where it is," he told 1500-strong congregation.

"In the second place, the Abbey's status as a Royal Peculiar accords it a subtle detachment from some of the daily concerns of Church and State, though that status should not beguile us into living to ourselves or developing a stance of detached criticism."

Canon Hall succeeds the Very Rev Dr Wesley Carr who retired in February.

The Dean had an audience of The Queen at Buckingham Palace last Tuesday on the occasion of his appointment to the Abbey.