New England Patriots NFL 2015 news: Tom Brady statement following the upholding of his suspension


As National Football League (NFL) commissioner Roger Goodell upheld the four-game suspension for New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, the four-time Super Bowl winner posted a statement on his Facebook page regarding his rejected appeal Wednesday.

Brady was suspended four games for the violation of the NFL's integrity of the game policy because of the Deflategate scandal.

In his statement posted on Facebook, Brady expressed his thoughts on Goodell's ruling.

"I am very disappointed by the NFL's decision to uphold the 4 game suspension against me. I did nothing wrong, and no one in the Patriots organization did either," the 37-year-old wrote.

Brady also said it is "disappointing" that Goodell upheld the suspension after hours of testimony on the grounds that it was 'probable' he was aware of misconduct.

"The fact is that neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused," the two-time NFL Most Valuable Player (MVP) added.

In his statement, Brady also discussed matters regarding his phone which was one of the major factors that led Goodell to the upholding of the suspension.

Goodell wrote on his final decision that Brady directed his assistant to destroy the phone he was using from 2014 until the time of the American Football Conference (AFC) Championship game last January and the start of the initial investigation about the Deflategate scandal.

According to the league commissioner, there were more than 10,000 text messages in the phone that can no longer be retrieved, with the information regarding the destruction of the phone only disclosed last June 18, four months after electronic evidence was asked from Brady.

Brady said he "disagrees" with the narrative about his phone and said he replaced his old phone after his attorneys told the NFL that it will not be subjected to any investigation.

"As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in ANY discipline," he added.

Brady assured that he did not exchange messages with anyone at anytime through any form regarding a football's air pressure until before the issue in the AFC Championship game surfaced.

"To suggest that I destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is completely wrong," he expressed.

Brady said they did everything to cooperate with the investigation regarding his phone and said the controversy was made up to serve as a distraction since the league has no concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

He also explained the authority he gave to the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) to file a settlement so there would be no need to go to court but the suspension was upheld without a counter offer.

"I respect the Commissioner's authority, but he also has to respect the CBA and my rights as a private citizen. I will not allow my unfair discipline to become a precedent for other NFL players without a fight," Brady stated.

To finish his statement, Brady said he is overwhelmed by the support given to him since being accused and is looking forward to playing with the Patriots and winning more games.