New Evangelical Alliance leader brings fresh hope

The new General Director of the Evangelical Alliance has spoken of the “wonderful opportunities” for spreading the Gospel in the UK.

“The church is alive and kicking in the UK and evangelicals are often at the forefront of local initiatives,” said Steve Clifford, who will take up his new role in April.

“At this time of incredible change and crisis, there are wonderful opportunities for the Church to present the good news of Jesus in words and action.

“The Evangelical Alliance is uniquely positioned to bring evangelicals together to serve our communities and to work together with others to see our nation transformed.”

Already a longstanding EA board member, Mr Clifford takes over the role of General Director from Joel Edwards who stepped down last year to dedicate more time to the World Evangelical Alliance’s anti-poverty movement, Micah Challenge.

Mr Clifford previously chaired the leadership team of international youth ministry Soul Survivor, where he will remain active. The ministry has helped thousands of young people enter into a new relationship with Jesus Christ, particularly during its popular summer festivals.

“Soul Survivor is proving to be a wonderfully fruitful evangelistic environment, with almost 2,000 young people giving their lives to Christ last summer,” he said.

Last year, he chaired Hope 08, a nationwide church movement to bring hope to communities by demonstrating the Gospel through practical action. The initiative won the praise of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Prince Charles and police.

The Evangelical Alliance’s Chair of Board, Mike Talbot, praised Mr Clifford as a visionary with the gift of enabling and mobilising teams.

“Steve has a real passion for the local church and developing young people, which has given him a strong sense for the issues that matter to Christians and non-Christians alike,” said Mr Talbot.

Mr Clifford concluded, “Jesus’ own life was a combination of both words and actions. I look forward to bringing an evangelical voice to the British public, whilst at the same time partnering with the local church for active mission in communities around the UK.”