New Executive Committee of WCC to be held in Korea

The next Executive Commitee meeting of World Council of Churches (WCC) will be held in Seoul during August this year. The preparation costs are estimated to be $80,000 for hosting the event for the Korean churches.

Korean National Council of Churches (KNCC) delivered official documents to the WCC commitee stating their desire to host the event in Korea. This year's conference is the first one to be held in a region outside Geneva, Switzerland.

The commitee gathering will last from August 24th to 27th in the Holiday Inn, Seoul.

Christians in Korea have shown ambivalence to the unforeseen event. Many have commended such growth of Korean Christian involvement in the world, but projected expenses have become a burden to WCC and KNCC members.

WCC consists of 150 members for the central commitee, and 24 members for the Executive commitee; 40 members anticipate attendance for the upcoming Executive Commitee meeting in Korea.

Ahrim Lee
Ecumenical Press