New fun and funky magazine for Christian women

Four out of five female churchgoers in the UK are actively involved in their local fellowship - but the most common occupations are traditionally "safe" areas of children's work and serving refreshments.

A new survey published at the International Christian Resources Exhibition, in Esher, for brand new women's magazine Liberti reveals that almost twice as many serve tea as ascend the pulpit.

"One in five women preach or teach within their local church - an encouraging number although nearly twice as many find themselves on the coffee rota," said Editor Bekah Legg. "Times they are a-changin' - but can we have a bit more, please?"

And if you are a man who lacks dress sense and a good physique, but has a winning personality, church may be the perfect place to find a female partner.

The survey of 350 women found that 86% consider a man's personality, and 81% his sense of humour as important qualities. Just 19% considered dress sense to be important, only 14% physique.

"Forget about being rich and good looking. If you lack dress sense and a six pack, but know how to make a girl laugh and feel safe, church may be the perfect place to find a female partner," said Legg.

"Maybe Christian women aren't as shallow as their male counterparts and are looking for depth in a partner."

Liberti, which Legg describes as "fun and funky and for Christian women aged 16-44" follows in the path of husband Steve's successful men's magazine,Sorted.

The first edition is out now and features Natasha Bedingfield, Emily Chalke, songstress Vicky Beeching, best-selling author Fay Weldon and an exciting mix of entertainment, health, fashion, interviews and a whole lot more.