New Glasgow Mission Project Launched

|TOP|A new Glasgow mission project has been launched across the city earlier in the month to bring the Gospel to even more people.

The Glasgow Outreach Project is “aimed at adult members of churches, the Christian population, who can then go away and influence others,” explains project director Steve Davies.

The launch saw 7 different events held at 7 different venues across the city in just 3 days, giving organisers the chance to mix with the local communities and engage in conversations on Christian outreach in the city.

The Glasgow Outreach Project has been developed by Scripture Union Scotland, in partnership with the Action Group in Glasgow, to bring the Gospel to the untapped pockets of the city.

|AD|One its aims is to establish a Christian witness programme in every school in the city, as well as support the youth work initiatives of churches in the Glasgow area and “present the good news of Jesus Christ to the young people of Glasgow, helping them to explore and respond to his significance for their lives,” said Davies in the earlier developmental stages of the project.

The project will also share its expertise with these churches and church-related bodies involved in youth evangelism with the aim of building a “strong, city-wide foundation of committed and well-informed prayer”.

According to Davies, the new project has been welcomed as a “timely” and “needed by the city”.

Davies is hoping to bring more people into the project who will each oversee a different area of the city as well as a particular area of focus, such as multi-ethnicity, urban deprivation or special educational needs, in order to reflect Glasgow’s diversity.

A series of church visits is under consideration for autumn to “share the vision further”. Davies hopes that this initial launch will “open the doors further” to the project.

“The aim is to get as many of the Christians of Glasgow to know about it because we need support, financially and prayerfully.”