New help line to support parents of children with eating disorders

A new telephone befriending service for parents of a child with an eating disorder is to be launched by charities Anorexia & Bulimia Care and Care for the Family.

The two charities have worked together informally for a number of years and this new collaboration will mean parents can access vital help, advice and support when caring for a child with eating disorders. It is anticipated that this new service will be available later this year.

Mark Molden, Chief Executive of Care for the Family, said: “We are delighted to be able to work in partnership with Anorexia & Bulimia Care who has a wealth of experience in this specialist area.

"Parent’s right across the UK will benefit. It is our desire to see families strengthened and for parents to be supported and to know they are not alone in their vital role.”

Anorexia & Bulimia Care is the second largest eating disorder voluntary organisation in the country supporting all those affected by eating related issues, and are helping to meet the very real needs of these families.

Care for the Family’s family-building events and training courses have been attended by over 300,000 people and many more have been helped through special initiatives - including those parenting a child with special needs, stepfamilies, bereaved parents and those parenting alone.

Jane Smith, Director of Anorexia & Bulimia Care, said "A parent befriending network will be a unique and much needed service. We are excited about the potential of this partnership and the impact it will have for parents and families facing isolation, misunderstanding and the devastating consequences of these long-enduring illnesses.”

Care for the Family was founded in 1988 by best selling author and international speaker Rob Parsons. It aims to strengthen family life across the UK and help those facing family difficulties. It has over 100 staff with regional offices in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man and Greater Manchester.

Anorexia & Bulimia Care was founded 21 years ago. It has developed into one of the UK’s leading eating disorder support charities, offering advice and support to those with an eating disorder as well as their families, and also providing resources and training. It serves the whole country from offices in Somerset with a small staff and a large volunteer base.