New Hope Arises for Christian Dalits in India

Great hope for a greater dignity to be given to the low Indian society of Dalits has risen after an historic meeting of Christian ministry and Indian civil rights leaders. Last week, Samuel Thomas, representative of 'Hopegivers International', met with the national convenor of the Global Council of Indian Christians, Sajan George, to discuss the possibilities of establishing a Karnataka Dalit Centre in Bangalore, and a Christian Institute of Medical Sciences in Mozoram.

With great help from Sajan George, many Hindu believing Dalits have opened up towards Christianity and millions more can be brought to Christ.

"They know the name Sajan George. He not only promises them that we will provide you with a school and a clinic for your children, but also tells the up front that it is done because the love of Christ, and that is what I like about Dr. Sajan, because this is a breakthrough for Christian ministries in India," Samuel Thomas said as he expressed his support of George.

According to the Indian culture, Dalits have never had dignity in their lives and if born into a Dalit family, a bleak future would be predicted.

Through the Karnataka Dalit Centre, Dr. Sajan George would like to give them dignity and offer a place where they can come and get personal counselling and be brought to the Lord,and enable them to change their lives.

Giving even more hope, a Christian Medical College is being discussed to be built. "Dalits, or any other Christian person who is qualified to enter into medical college will be given a Christian education plus medical information where they can go out and become Christian medical missionaries into one of the 600,000 villages in India that has never heard of Christ."

Samuel Thomas also emphasised the great need to show an interest to these people, and that now is the time to act.