New Hope for Nias Island as Bible Pathway Distributes Word of God

Bible Pathway Ministries, which is providing free Bibles for global distribution to over 186 countries around the world in over 20 languages, is now distributing the Word of God in Indonesian Nias Island to renew hope for earthquake victims.

Many people have lost everything and many buildings are now laying in ruins, the lives of people have been turned upside-down, but Christians working in the area have given these suffering people an incredible testimony.

Karen Hawking from Bible Pathway Ministries shares: "These people are praising God and saying if it hadn't been for the tsunami, if it hadn't been for this last earthquake we wouldn't be as close to God as we are now."

Bible Pathway plays a very important role in this 'hope effort' and with many people reaching out for some hope, it has opened the way for extensive requests for the Bible and its distribution.

"We can't go, but we are partnering with missionaries who are on the ground. They have been established for some time. And, they have been able to purchase Bibles. And, then we have paid for the Bibles for them to give to the pastors and the church members in Nias," continues Karen Hawkins.

Many people have made decisions or recommitments as they were counselled or given Bibles and it is not just one person, but there are entire families and entire communities that are being changed by God's word.