Iron Man 4? New Iron Man costume promotional art for 'Captain America: Civil War,' not new Iron Man movie

New photos of an Iron Man suit have surfaced online and fans have speculated that this signals the coming of an "Iron Man 4" movie. However, ardent tipster El Mayimbe (Umberto Gonzales, formerly of Latino-Review) disproved the rumors by saying that the new images are for "Captain America: Civil War." 

Gonzales first posted via Twitter and Instagram concept art showing Captain America rushing toward Iron Man, each one poised to punch the other. It has not been confirmed if this is official artwork for the film or if it was fan-made. However, it is important to note that a high percentage of Gonzales' rumors and spoilers do turn out to be true.

According to a report from Screen Rant, fans have noted its similarity to the "extra scenes" of the IMAX teaser trailer for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" that feature the two DC superheroes charging toward each other in the beginning of a battle.

The next day, Gonzales then posted the new Iron Man suit. According to a report from IGN, this is the "bleeding edge" upgrade of the Extremis armor seen in "Iron Man 3." Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., will be able to mentally control the armor through the use of nanotechnology.

While the new suits are for "Captain America: Civil War," fans still speculate that they may be used for "Iron Man 4." However, an older report from Inquistr confirms that "Iron Man 4" may never see the light of day and that "Civil War" will be the last film to feature "Iron Man." 

According to the report, Downey Jr. decided to forego doing a solo "Iron Man" film in order for "Captain America: Civil War" to even happen. This might spell the end of Iron Man but at least fans will still see the character and his iconic suits as he faces off against Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America, played by Chris Evans.