New life at Christmas

“Life in Shivnagar is tough,” says Uma, who tells the story of her conversion in Tearfund’s new Nativity resource.

Shivnagar is a small village in Nepal. Many of its occupants, including Uma and her daughter Puspa, are formerly enslaved families who gained freedom when bonded labour was abolished in the country ten years ago, only to find themselves without the money or education to rise above poverty.

Three Christmases ago Uma was gravely ill and so debilitated by fever that she could hardly lift herself out of bed.

There were no medical facilities in the village and receiving treatment in the nearest centre in Tikapur would have been too expensive.

On any other occasion, Uma would have laid in her bed with little more than a hope that she might get better.

This Christmas was different however. Carol singers passed by her house and, having heard that Christians could heal people, Puspa begged her mother to let them in and pray for her.

Uma agreed, telling the carollers: “If this works, I will follow Jesus.”

Led by Pastor Madan, the carol singers from the nearby church came in and prayed over Uma’s sick body. When they left, she threw off her blanket. She had been healed.

It was a turning point in Uma's life and she celebrated her first Christmas in the local church in Tikapur.

Tearfund is working with the church in Tikapur through its Nepal-based partner organisation, Sagoal.

Pastor Madan said: “Christmas reminds us of God’s love because he loved us first, and we must love our neighbour.”

Tearfund’s resource pack includes a three-minute DVD featuring Uma’s story, and a simple Nativity play suitable for children.

The resources are available online at: