New Methodist DVD Showcases Church Innovation

A new DVD has been released by Creative Arts in Methodism and the Methodism Property Office to showcase the way innovative ways in which local congregations across the UK are using their space.

|PIC1|The DVD shows developments not simply within the Methodist Church, but also Anglican churches, Local Ecumenical Partnerships and interfaith projects, as well youth culture initiatives.

Just some of the ways in which churches have vamped up their church space to better their service to the local community include one church with a gym and a youth group who have refurbished their own church meeting room with an alcohol-free bar.

The 65-minute film, written and directed by Peter Moreton, also features Fulham Broadway Methodist’s sanctuary for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Paul Johnson, a London architect said: “The film expands to include the thoughts, experiences and knowledge of people who use the church buildings in ways not necessarily associated with the church and worship.|TOP|

“It illustrates how socially significant the Church is once more becoming in the community through its buildings and the people and activities that the Church embraces.”

The website to accompany the DVD ( said the focus of the short film was to make premises “more accessible, friendly and culturally relevant”.

London minister Rev. Ron Smith praised the inspirational DVD: “As someone involved in the early stages of rebuilding a fire-damaged church, I found it full of ideas which I’m sure will help us in this task. I especially valued the examples of places where the visual arts have been taken seriously.”