New Mission Resource Released to Tackle Doubts in Faith

A number of Christian leaders have united together with the vision to fulfil one goal – to answer some of the most difficult questions surrounding Christianity and its believers in society today.

|TOP|The project will facilitate resources being made available, which are being produced by Premier Christian Radio in association with the Christian Evidence Society.

The resources are now being released in CD format, and will contain the results of the discussions between the leaders. The resource will be distributed under the title, ‘Speaking Up for Jesus’.

Hot topics such as whether Christianity is emotionally manipulative or full of contradictions are discussed in depth by six Christian leaders, and Premier’s Cindy Kent also looks to discuss the issues in an accessible and balanced method that can be easily received by secular or Christian audiences.

Kent said, “Speaking up for Jesus has always been about starting a dialogue with people who have tough, burning questions about Christianity and faith.

|AD|"The questions are not easy ones, but that is exactly why they need to be discussed. I hope that thanks to participants of the project like Steve Chalke and John Twisleton we can begin to answer those questions and reach not just other Christians but non-Christians as well.”

Asked about the necessity of a resource like Speaking Up for Jesus, Kent replied, “Christianity has always provoked controversy. Today it is still perceived by some as blind faith. I believe that Speaking up for Jesus will offer a voice of reason as our six prominent Christian thinkers engage with moral, historical, intellectual and psychological objections to Christian believing.”

Another Premier Radio contributor, John Twisleton, who is the Chichester Diocesan Mission & Renewal Adviser, suggested that the double-sided CD was so important that he wanted to be involved directly in the production. He gave testimony that he sees his commission as providing local parishes with this type of resource.

Twisleton said, “Speaking up for Jesus has the advantage of being locally produced and also of gathering insight from across the whole Christian tradition. When I worked with Premier Christian Radio to produce it, I did so with the proviso that every parish be provided with a set of the completed resource at no cost to the diocese.”