New NHS campaign to tackle sharp rise in STIs among Britain's pensioners
A startling increase in the number of over-60s being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection has prompted the NHS to launch a new awareness campaign.
The figures from Public Health England show a 25 per cent increase in the number of men over the age of 65 diagnosed with gonorrhea between 2016 and 2017, up from 173 men to 216.
Herpes diagnoses among women over 65 saw a similar rise between 2016 and 2017, while nationwide, rates of chlamydia in the same age group rose by 15 per cent.
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust has responded with the launch of its new 'Jiggle, Wiggle' campaign to raise awareness of sexual health and safety among men and women from the baby boomer generation, The Telegraph reports.
It aims to correct the perception that some older people may have in believing that sexual health services are for young people.
The campaign will also distribute free condoms to older people through local GPs.
'There has been a rise in the number of STIs and HIV diagnosis in older residents and this group of people are sometimes forgotten in sexual health campaigns and interventions,' a spokesman for the trust said.
'The campaign will target an older demographic, making it clear that safer sex still applies and also promoting that sexual health services are for them too – challenging their view that services are "not for them".'
Rebecca Spencer, general manager of the project, said: 'Although most STIs are diagnosed in people aged 15-to-24, STIs are not just prevalent in young people.
'If you're having sex, look after your sexual health matters. We want to make residents aware that sexual health services are not just for young people - they are for all people.'