New Palestinian leader to Pave Way to Peace in West Bank

On Sunday 9th January, a hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians has emerged as the new Palestinian leader was elected, which was anticipated by world leaders.

Mahmoud Abbas, 69, gained the victory in the election with 65 percent of the vote in the elections in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. As a successor to Yasser Arafat, immediately Abbas will have to face the challenge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon remarked, "The Palestinians are still not fighting terror and while (Abbas's) declarations in the framework of the election campaign were encouraging, he will be tested by the way he battles terror and acts to dismantle its infrastructure."

Israel has praised Abbas for his call to an end to violence in a 4-year-old Palestinian uprising. Abbas has promised to seek peace with Israel, battle widespread corruption and revive the crumbling Palestinian Authority,reversing the legacy of four years of debilitating violence and Arafat's chaotic rule.

Former US president Jimmy Carter, leader of an international monitoring team, said Abbas won "a remarkably wonderful victory."

"He will be inaugurated as a new president Wednesday...This opens up an opportunity, in my opinion, for renewed peace negotiations," Carter said.