New Panel to Strengthen Christian Voice in Media

Premier Christian Media and Communicate Research have announced the formation of a new panel to inject a Christian viewpoint from across the denominational spectrum into public debates in the UK.

'Cpanel' will become the nation's "first online panel of Christians from all denominations and age groups across the UK," the organisations say.

The new panel has been created to ensure that the views of Christians are heard in public policy debates and the media.

"Cpanel will provide clear and prompt answers to the questions surrounding Christian opinion," said Premier and Communicate Research.

Andrew Hawkins, Chief Executive of Communicate Research, said, "Cpanel has been created to ensure that Christian views are represented accurately and honestly. Through Cpanel, a major opportunity exists for Christians to influence the nation's leaders and policy formers over many issues of concern."

Premier Christian Media's Chief Executive Peter Kerridge echoed Hawkin's views, "Cpanel is an incredibly useful and authoritative tool for conducting polling and market research among a representative sample of UK Christians."

Kerridge predicted: "Cpanel will become an essential tool for Christian organisations and Churches in a society that needs information at the click of a mouse!"

Launched this month, Cpanel will begin polling Christians across the UK immediately, in the hope that the resulting surveys will among help those seeking to offer resources to Christians to understand their needs.