New 'Pokemon' game for Nintendo Switch may be released this year

A photo from the 2017 Pokemon World ChampionshipsFacebook/Pokemon

Nintendo has risen up so much in the last year with the release of Nintendo Switch, award-winning games, and a lot of existing great games being ported to the console. However, it does not stop there. In an official survey, it looks like it is definitely supporting the idea that Nintendo will have an even greater year this 2018.

One of the main titles featured in the survey is the new "Pokemon" game. It is not news to many "Pokemon" fans that the new game will be on the Switch since it was already made official last year. What many fans are looking forward to is how the new "Pokemon" game will be playing out.

Rumors surfaced just a month ago about the new "Pokemon" Switch game having all new combat mechanics. The rumors first came from a Pokemon fan site, PokeJugnle, where previous rumors they started were actually confirmed. According to the site, the game's combat will no longer be turn-based. It will instead be similar to Pokken Tournament where players get to control the Pokemon themselves.

As for the Nintendo survey, it listed down most of their upcoming games and their logos, but not much else is known about them. Aside from "Pokemon," the list even includes the "Bayonetta" trilogy. The survey was intended for players, and it was asking them about what games they would like to buy in the next 12 months.

If it is within the next 12 months, the release date for the new "Pokemon" game would be either late 2018 or early 2019. Nintendo recently had its Nintendo Direct event where they shared their plans for the future, and most of the mentioned titles were to be released in Spring this year.

It may be too far-fetched to consider the survey as some indirect leak for the games. However, given the info around the survey, "Pokemon" should hopefully be out soon.