New resource to help churches tackle violence against women

A new charity is asking Christians to get informed about violence against women taking place inside the church as well as out.

Restored is asking churchgoers to help prevent violence against women by piloting a new resource which gives advice about how churches can address stigma and offer support to families.

The call coincides with sixteen days of action to eliminate violence against women starting, which starts today and runs until International Human Rights Day on December 10.

Mandy Marshall, Co-Director of Restored, said: “Violence against women is happening both within and outside of our churches.

"We know that the church can be a place of love & compassion, yet there is a need to be wise in the way we deal with relationships.

"This new resource aims to raise awareness of violence, equip churches to identify signs of abuse, abusive behaviour and signpost people to access the professional services available.”

Restored's Domestic Abuse Pack also advises churches on some of the professional help available locally and includes tips for pastoral advice, biblical teaching and how to support a local refuge.

Peter Grant, Co-Director of Restored, said: “This booklet is very much work in progress. We are looking for churches across the country to pilot the resource to help us hone it, so it can be as effective as possible in preventing violence against women.”

Around one in four women in the UK are affected by violence.

The Domestic Abuse Pack for Churches is available to download free of charge from Churches interested in taking part should contact or call 020 8943 7855