New UK publishing community launched

A new UK publishing community is being launched today to encourage Christians to get thinking on some of the hot button issues in Christianity.

Instant Apostle has been set up by Manoj Raithatha, head of the South Asian Forum, and Bridget Adams, a Church of England priest.

Books and pamphlets will be produced in print and Kindle formats.

Raithatha and Adams say they want to get ideas flowing between followers of Jesus and between those who would like to know more about His Kingdom.

“It’s not just about books and it’s not about a one way information flow. It’s about building a community where ideas are exchanged," Raithatha explains.

He said short books and pamphlets would form the majority of their output so that new ideas could be shared quickly.

"As with pamphlets of old, these are likely to be opinionated, and produced quickly so that the community can discuss them," he said.

Adams adds: “Well known authors are welcome, but so are new writers and young writers.

"We are looking for prophetic voices, authentic and original ideas, produced at any length, quick and relevant, insightful and opinionated.

"And as the name implies, these will be released very quickly, either as Kindle books or printed texts or both."

The first books being published cover topics as diverse as mental health, spirituality, Asian views of Jesus and Kingdom-building business.

One of the first releases, "Building the Kingdom through Business: a Mission Strategy for the 21st Century World", by Adams and Raithatha, contains forewords by Ram Gidoomal and Mats Tunehag.

All titles are available from Amazon through the Instant Apostle website,