New Website Allows Prayer Sharing Network

UK Christians will now have a new resource to grow more united in prayer. A new website for sharing prayers has been launched called The site was created by Christian web developer Stephen Dominy.

The new site allows Christians to make a personalised online prayer network in minutes.

Dominy, is a self trained programmer and worked 10 years programming for a blue chip finance company before he made the new site. Speaking about the origin of the new site he said, "I was preparing to move house earlier this year and wanted to find a way of staying in touch with the people from church I'd leave behind,"

"I searched for an online forum for sharing prayer requests, news and let's face it - gossip. When I couldn't find what I was looking for, I decided to create"

The unique feature of which other religious groups on social networks like Facebook lack is that all content is kept private.

Dominy said, " allows a privacy you don't find on any other social network. You can pray about the things that are important to you that you don't want to broadcast to the world."

"It's about nurturing relationships, about providing space for people to share a little more than I'm okay or I'm not okay."

The website is free and was launched during the summer and continues to grow. It's creator spoke of the future development of the site.

"Prayer Diaries will be the Next Big Thing for Our aim is to be the central hub for prayer requests from all your favourite organisations and agencies."

" aims to help the organisations you support to get their prayer diaries straight to you - where you already are - so you can view them in your prayerfeed in amongst prayers from your friends and family."