New Year message from Moderator of Church of Scotland General Assembly

"I pray that in 2008 we all - people of all faiths and of none, politicians and religious leaders, rich and poor alike - will allow the vision of a world transformed by love and hope to influence us in all we say and do.

"I pray that we will look beyond selfish ambition and the scoring of points; beyond the narrow interests of ethnicity, nationality, political party, denomination or religion and instead focus our concerns on the neediest people of our world and the things that make for peace."

The Moderator also had a spirited message for those who are troubled by the past:

"For some people New Year is rather a sad time. It is a time when we are conscious of the passing of time, of those who are no longer with us; a time to look back to happier times; a time to be nostalgic.

"But we must not remain locked in our memories, however bittersweet they may be. New Year is also a time when we look forward with renewed hope. Coming just a week after Christmas, we still have the words of the angels ringing in our ears - the promise of peace on earth and goodwill among the people of the earth."