New York Knicks roster rumors 2015: Arron Afflalo feels right at home with the Knicks

Arron Afflalo and Kobe BryantReuters

Arron Afflalo is one of the main players who bolted out of the Portland Trailblazers; and from the looks of it, he is happy he did so.

This is not to say of course that Afflalo dreaded Portland. Rather the move was something special since it allowed him to be in a team which he was actually hoping to join — the New York Knicks.

Could this spur some good vibes ahead for the Knicks?

Regardless, the Knicks fans are expected to embrace Afflalo with open arms. He recently signed a two-year deal worth $16 million after opting out of his previous contract, which dates back to the time when he was still with the Denver Nuggets.

What makes his coming sweeter is that he can once again team up with Carmelo Anthony, someone he used to play with during the Nuggets days.

Will an Anthony-Afflalo connect in New York? Chances are it will. But the question on whether that could bring the Knicks towards at least the playoffs is another matter.

During the offseason, Affalo, veteran Robin Lopez, and incoming frosh Kristaps Prozingis, were the only new notabale acquisitions.

Of the new recruits, it is perhaps Afflalo who will garner the most attention. He has proven his role to be a scorer and defender in the past and apparently, this is what head coach Derek Fisher expects from him.

His scoring prowess should take a load off Anthony's shoulders. The energy he brings to the game is what the Knicks are probably looking for.

For a player who can get the job done on both ends, it won't be surprising to see Afflalo getting the nod of approval from Knicks fans.

A two-year deal seems a bit short, especially considering the Knicks are in semi-rebuilding mode. But if all goes well, he can always re-sign when his contract is up.