New York Knicks rumors 2016: Phil Jackson wants next coach who can bring the team together

Phil JacksonReuters

Phil Jackson carries his own set of beliefs and one thing that he wants is for people to at least try and embrace the triangle offense.

One such person was Derek Fisher, the former head coach who got the axe recently. Fisher lived the triangle offense but somehow veered away from it which is perhaps one reason why the Knicks sputtered.

There is no telling when Fisher started using another philosophy but, apparently, Jackson was aware of it. It was seen as one reason why Fisher was let go, although the string of losses and the seemingly lack of direction are what many believe did him in.

Right now, Kurt Rambis has taken on the role on an interim basis, but many believe the arrangement is temporary. There are names in the mix, mostly former Jackson disciples like Brian Shaw and Luke Walton. However, nothing has been decided and a new head coach will likely take over after this season.

Jackson made it clear that the head coaching vacancy is not limited to people familiar with the triangle. The only hitch is that he wants the next head coach to at least try to get a grasp of his philosophy and then add some improvements or other plays without veering away from it.

With Shaw or Walton, there is no guarantee that both would follow Jackson's philosophy to the letter. Both have their own styles and if one recalls their coaching tenures, the triangle wasn't exactly standing out when they called the shots.

If Jackson clings on to that belief of wanting a coach to preach his triangle philosophy then the Knicks may be in for tough times. The only thing that could work is possibly seeing someone trying to grasp the triangle and implementing his own.

If the Knicks respond and go on a run, it would be well and good. The important thing now is getting the Knicks back on track and filling in that head coaching void with someone tailor-made for it.