New York Knicks rumors: Does team have a chance at Marc Gasol?

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Marc Gasol, one of the NBA's best big men in the market to date, will be one of the most sought after players in the off season as the Memphis Grizzlies star is set to become an unrestricted free agent once the 2014-15 NBA wars come to a close.

Though it doesn't seem likely that Gasol would leave Memphis, there are still teams like the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Knicks hoping that they can somehow convince Gasol to hop on board. However, as far as these two teams are concerned, the outlook doesn't seem that bright.

As far as the Knicks are concerned, take it from Beno Udrih who bared that he doesn't see Gasol landing in New York. When he was asked by Jared Zwerling on his thoughts of that possibility, Udrih responded by saying that the 'Knicks are not going to get him; He is a laid-back guy and doesn't like drama".

So as far as options are concerned, it seems that Phil Jackson and company may have to pin their hopes on another potential big man. Though Gasol may have been a consideration, it seems obvious that he wasn't at the top of the list since it is believed that he would be staying in Memphis.

For the Lakers, the chances don't look so cool as well. Gasol could be possibly looking at what happened to his brother Pau Gasol during his time with the Lakers as a yardstick though he knows that it is a business. But again, there is drama and that is something that Gasol (according to Udrih) is not exactly fond off.

Being an unrestricted free agent, Gasol is expected to get wild offers and be courted through free agency. The Knicks and the Lakers could still proceed with that but with chances pretty dim, they may be better off spending their time on someone else; a player who could be interested in their respective organizations.