Next Videoschool July 2006

Last year The Message, CTVC and the CFM Trust ran VIDEOSCHOOL in Manchester and it was such a success we are going it again in July (Dates TBC).

Don't worry if you've never handled a camera before. There's a beginners' group that will take things at an easy pace, but for those who are already making films there's a stiffer challenge to work under pressure and produce something to a deadline that's really polished. Some of the trainers for VIDEOSCHOOL will include:

Jeremy Higham, one of the founders of CFM Trust, is VIDEOSCHOOL's Training & Development Co-ordinator and a Course Leader. He has worked in the TV industry for 15 years and has filmed and directed several award winning documentaries for BBC and Channel Four. His film Convoy to Moldova for BBC Correspondent won three awards at the Monte Carlo Documentary Festival. He directed God Bless Ibiza for Channel 4, was Executive Producer of The Legend of Pastor Bill for five and has recently finished a project for Coldplays X&Y World Tour.

Matt Hemsley has been filming and directing for ten years. As well as freelance work for the BBC, Matts directing credits include The Matt Redman DVD Face Down, The Legend of Pastor Bill for Channel 5 and a 50 minute documentary for VH1 on Ronan Keating. He is currently directing a series of shorts for Channel 4 for the anniversary of the 7/7 bombings

Jon Richards Jon was a Producer/Director on Channel 4's Spaced and on Channel 5's The Farm. His other work includes a recent profile of Eminem for Channel 4, a multi-part series House in Florida for BBC UK Style and the latest Alpha International Youth video. He specialises in creating highly visual sequences which he both shoots and edits.

Simon Morris Produced a half hour AIDS awareness show for MTV International last year looking at HIV advertising. He was an Assistant Produced on a teen documentary which will air on Channel 4 later this year and his upcoming projects include directing a half hour programme on bullying for Nickelodeon and a series of films on HIV in Africa for a BBC children's series.

Ian Rowbottom - Ian has worked for BBC Religion on programmes such as "Soul of Britain" with Michael Buerk and "Heart of the Matter". Since working for The Message he has produced "Festival: Manchester the DVD"& "Redeeming Our Communities DVD", and has finished working on new resources called deep. Ian specialises in single camera directing, and editing.

There are only 12 places and will cost £165 for the two day course so get your deposit in now (£50). Cheques to 'CFM Trust' and sent to:

The Message Trust
Lancaster House
Harper Road
M22 4RG

The balance of £115 as a contribution towards the cost of training is due on arrival at the course. There is also a bursary scheme you can apply for.

Please email
if you are interested in coming or call
0161 946 2305 for more information.

The Message Trust
Lancaster House
Harper Road
M22 4RG