Nexus 6P release date: Pre-orders sell out

Huawei Official

Google has just announced the next smartphone devices under the Nexus lineup. One of these, the Nexus 6P made by China-based Huawei, has become so popular that in some markets, pre-orders have already sold out.

According to Gadgets 360, days after the Nexus 6P pre-orders was unlocked in India, units of the upcoming Nexus device have already sold out. Meanwhile, confusion arose among pre-ordering fans, as the release date for the device was listed as November 2. According to one fan who tried to pre-order the device, "I tried pre-ordering the 6P late last night but it was unavailable. Is October 21 the concrete launch day? The few who managed to pre-order received a November 2 release date."

This date is much later than the targeted roll-out date for the new Nexus. When Google unveiled the new smartphones, the company announced that the Nexus 5X and 6P will become available by Oct. 21.

Flipkart, one of the exclusive online retailers for the new Nexus devices, issued a statement regarding the confusion. Apparently, the online retailer lists the number of units that is currently available by batches. Earlier batches for pre-ordered units will have an earlier release and shipping date. Meanwhile, those who pre-ordered the later batches might have a delivery and fulfillment date later than the Oct. 21 release.

Confusion for pre-orders also cropped up for other fans, as other retailers also apparently list the upcoming Nexus among their pre-order items. Google said that the Nexus 5X will only be available as an Amazon exclusive, and the Nexus 6P will be released only through Amazon and Flipkart. Aside from the two resellers, the Nexus 6P may also become available through mobile carrier-exclusive plans. Currently, Vodafone UK offers pre-orders of the Nexus 6P for some of its carrier plans.