Nexus 9 release on T-Mobile postponed; date still undetermined

Google Nexus 9[Photo credit: Google]

A new major Nexus-related setback is now faced by T-Mobile yet again. Following the delay of the launching of the Nexus 6 last month, another holdup is upon the customers of the carrier. As of the moment, the release of the Nexus 9 has been pushed to a further date that is yet to be determined. 

In an internal communication obtained by TMO News, which was then cited by various media outlets like Android N Me, the new date of availability of the Nexus 9 in the magenta carrier remains uncertain. It reads: 

Updated: Google Nexus 9 Launch Postponed (Retail, TPR, TPRi, EDPC) 

Update: The launch of the Google Nexus 9 has been postponed. This article will be updated with the launch date once it is confirmed. 

T-Mobile will launch the Google Nexus 9 on a date to be determined, which will be available on the web or through Ship-to (Direct Fulfillment) in HSO. This HTC device features a beautiful 8.9″ screen and a 64-bit 2.3GHz dual processor." 

In the advent of the issue, Reddit and XDA forums shortly transformed into a big complaint hub and suggestion box for infuriated customers who have been pestered with back-orders for the Nexus device. 

Just recently, T-Mobile also encountered problems with their rollout for the Nexus 6. The units arrived a week later than the expected date after Motorola failed to deliver the shipment to its stores, prompting the carrier to release them behindhand.

Meanwhile, Christmas shoppers who originally planned to get their hands on the latest HTC-crafted tablet will either have to tolerate a prolonged wait or look for options that will allow them to have the units without hassle and just before gifts are exchanged and unwrapped. Customers of the carrier should not expect a looming launch as T-Mobile itself is reportedly nowhere near finalizing the date of launch.