NFL News: Johnny Manziel vows CHANGE

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The question on the future of Johnny Manziel continues but this early, the 22 year old quarterback is trying to clear the air of current issues.

After being fined for missing medical treatment for his hamstring injury, Manziel has apologized for a season of distractions. Manziel claims that he missed treatment because he overslept and denied that he threw a party the night before.

The alleged party was said to be something that forced receiver Josh Gordon to miss a team walk-through. Gordon was meted a suspension and did not play against Baltimore.

As for Manziel, he admits that he is accountable for his tumultuous season.

"It's about actions," he said. "It's about being accountable and doing what I'm going to say instead of looking like a jackass."

Manziel was drafted by the Browns in the first round with hopes that he could evolve into a future quarterback. But all that seemed to have fizzled, highlighted by his offseason behavior which led to questions surrounding his commitment to the game.

As thing stand now, the question still remains on whether the Browns should continue to wait and keep Manziel. Coach Mike Pettine believes that the young Manziel can still evolve into what he and the Browns see him to be. But for that to happen, he has to get his act together and fast.

And with the quarterback position up in the air, Manziel may want to rethink his commitment to the game and sync himself with the opportunity that is practically in front of him. And the best way to do that is to take everything more seriously.

"I'm upset with how I have handled things at times," he said. "I did grow up and then I took a step back. It is the same story with me. We're taking one step forward and then two steps back. Now it is really in my court."