NFL rumors: Seattle Seahawks linebacker Khairi Fortt comments on his second chance

Khairi ForttReuters

Back in May the Seattle Seahawks signed on linebacker Khairi Fortt, who initially entered the NFL back in the 2014 season for the New Orleans Saints. Though being limited due to a sore Achilles, he is taking over the position once filled by undrafted free agent Christian French. French also recently suffered an injury, placing him on injured reserve.

As stated in a report from Stamford Advocate, Fortt was drafted by the Saints in 2014 but right before the beginning of the regular season he was waived off and picked up by Cincinatti. During this time he played for the team's practice squad but never suited up for a season game. He was then picked by the Jacksonville Jaguars but throughout his time with them he's played less than five games total and was later out of a job when no team signed him on.

The report points out that his time with the Seahawks may be his last chance to stay in the NFL, a second chance that Fortt is reportedly very grateful for and not willing to just let go. He states that he is also grateful to be in a team that has a coach and players that care more about each other than the sport itself, building a sense of camaraderie.

"I envision myself becoming a Pro Bowler and I have to take the necessary steps to do that," Fortt stated in regards to his outlook with the Seahawks. "One step is getting back on the football field, not feeling sorry for myself and just going out there and putting in the effort to reach those milestones."

Fortt did confirm that his sore Achilles and tendonitis are not going to be a major issue. According to Fortt, these are simply caused by the long break he has had between plays and that he is using the time right now between seasons to prepare his body and get it back in shape.