NFL Rumors Seattle Seahawks: Nate Robinson wants on the team


The NBA champion Nate Robinson has been in the NFL section of news lately, and for good reason: he is planning to joining the Seattle Seahawks this time around. According to Sportsrageous, the three-time champion for the slam dunk title announced last March that he will be returning to the NFL field so that he could once more play the game that earned him college scholarship. This is if no other teams in the NBA league will take him in. He seems to be leaning toward this decision, however, since he appears to have already done tryouts with the said team.

Slam Online reports Robinson has been interested in joining the NFL ever since he started playing in Israel. He seems serious about this decision, since the 32-year-old champion has been focusing on his footwork and bulking up so that he could be the first NBA player to join the NFL. Football got him in college, so most of the necessary experience is already there. The basketball slam-dunker was able to play 13 footbal games in 2002, and was able to make 34 tackles.

He says, "I need to get a little stronger, a little faster. Lifting weights and watching a lot of films. Work on my feet and my hands and how to press. Basic stuff. I catch on pretty fast. Just learn some of the drills they'd have me do and start practicing and get ready for it."

Robinson is already excited about the prospect of joining his native team, though his age would be a risk factor for anyone to consider before letting him join in. If he doesn't get in the Seahawks, he will try out with the New England Patriots and Arizona Cardinals. It might be unlikely for him to get signed for the position he wants. This doesn't seem to bother him either.

He says, "I would play whatever position whatever team needs me to play. I can do either/or. Offense comes naturally. Me getting the ball and people are trying to chase me and tackle me, the moves, that's instincts kicking in. I've been doing that all my life, so nothing else is new."

The Seahawks are currently aiming to create the best team possible, reports The Blow. Russel Wilson, their quarterback, mentions that each of the players in their current line-up has gone through so much to get where they are now -- which is as one of the biggest teams to beat in the competition. They have even been idenfitied by the NFL analyst Bucky Bucks as one of the most talented. They are currently one of the favorites for winning the NFC, with +800 on their record.