NightChurch couple plan after-hours wedding blessing

Husband and wife-to-be Erika Davies and David Morgan are planning a wedding day with a difference at Exeter Cathedral later this month.

The happy couple are set to exchange their vows and rings at a marriage service during the day on May 21 and will receive a blessing in front of their NightChurch community, a fresh expression of church that meets in the cathedral on Friday nights.

The blessing ceremony is expected to be joined by many of the homeless people who see NightChurch as ‘their’ church.

Morgan, who is manager of the Big Issue Exeter office, said: “We will be surrounded by family, friends, NightChurch regulars - and anyone else who happens to be visiting the cathedral at the time.

"It will certainly be more open than most weddings, as we’ll have a lot of homeless guys and members of the public who will still be wandering in.”

NightChurch was set up in 2007 by the cathedral's former Canon Missioner Mark Rylands as a different way of 'doing' church in the building.

Morgan was a member of Exeter Network Church (ENC) when he was invited to join the new community, while Erika was involved in the launch of NightChurch.

He said: "We weren’t sure whether it would be possible to get married there at all but as we met at NightChurch, and were both very passionate about it, it made sense.”

The couple opted for the blessing at NightChurch in accordance with Church of England wedding rules which dictate that marriage services cannot take place outside the hours of 8am and 6pm.

Erika said: "Our celebration will allow us to share the experience in a different way. NightChurch is a special place and we want to reflect that on our special day.”