Nik Wallenda live stream video: Watch online Chicago tightrope skyscraper walk in Marina City Towers live now

Daredevil Nik Wallenda will be walking the tightrope blindfolded in Chicago tonight. 

Wallenda, 35, will be attempting to two walks 500ft above the Chicago River. The footage will be airing live on the Discovery Channel, with a 10-second delay, so producers can remove footage if he falls to his death. 

Wallenda will have no harness while he attempts the walk, and has said that he will attempt to kneel and cling ot the wire with his feet if he things go wrong. 

Shortly before the walk, Joel Osteen led his family in prayer as they held hands. 

The first stunt will be above teh Chicago River. The second stunt will see him cross a wire from the west to east Marina City towers in downtown Chicago. He will attempt this feat while blindfolded. 

Wind speeds tonight is expected to exceed 30mph and the temperatures could dip below 40 degrees. 

Wallenda is a member of the Flying Wallenda tighrope-walking family. Although the family is known to be daring, they have not always been successful, as his great-grandfather Karl Wallenda fell to his death in a similar tightrope walking stunt at the age of 73 in Puerto Rico. Nic had witnessed his death.

Earlier this week, Wallenda told reporters: "It is key to my success to have that support. If I didn't have my mom and dad's support and my wife's support I wouldn't be able to make that walk.

"If they came up to me moments before I was getting on that cable, even though 220-plus countries around the world are watching live, and said, "You know what? I don't want you doing it," I wouldn't do it. It's that simple.

"I did an event about five years ago where I went on top of a Ferris wheel, they turned it on and I walked. I rehearsed once and it was moving everywhere. I got down to the ground and my wife had bitten every one of her nails off. And she's usually pretty confident in what I do.

Watch Nik Wallenda attempting the tight-rope live in the live stream video below: