Nintendo Mii smartphone app allows Mii Avatars to be used for social media


Nintendo hasn't exactly come up with a mobile app that they can brag about but it looks like they are going in that direction, in a way.

The company is not really known for having games that can be played on mobile phones but a step into that direction could be what this piece of news brings. Although it is not necessarily something that gamers may find interesting, social media buffs could find it appealing.

And this has something to do with an app that would make use of iconic Mii avatars which players can use on social media as their personal icons. According to Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, the planned app will be announced by the time the full-year results have been released.

Though this development could draw various reactions, the said social app is a sneaky mobile strategy that could help Nintendo promote its games and franchises.

On how that pans out remains to be seen although there are people on social media who love to personalize or disguise themselves using avatars in cartoon-line manner.

Mii avatars are something that can be easily created, ideally something which users would do to somehow tie it up on how they project themselves.

With social media growing by the day, seeing such could spur up some attention for Nintendo's part although many would still love to see an actual app from them to be used on mobile devices.

The closest folks have right now is perhaps the Nintendo 3DS but such is still different when you think about mobile phones which are brought practically anywhere.

Technically the move does put Nintendo in the mobile device segment although not in the way that many would want, a gaming app they can enjoy wherever and whenever.