Nintendo NX news: Console will not be sold at a loss

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Nintendo recently published an English translation of the Q&A conducted with Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima, who confirmed that unlike the WIi U, the Nintendo NX will not launch at a loss and that the console is not going to be rushed to the market to immediately cash in on current video game trends.

The Wii U launched back in 2012 but the selling price for the unit was not enough, meaning each unit that was sold did not yield any profits for the company. Instead, Nintendo hoped to garner profits later on by selling games and accessories for the Wii U. But this never came to fruition given that the Wii U has become one of the least selling consoles in years.

Kimishima stated that this will no longer be the case with the Nintendo NX.

"We are not thinking of launching the hardware at a loss," Kimishima explained. "When Wii U was launched, the yen was very strong. I am assuming that situation will not repeat itself. Selling at a loss at launch would not support the business, so we are keeping that mind in developing NX."

Nintendo's CEO also explained that the company decided to launch the NX in March 2017 because by that time the main launch games would be ready. This gives the idea that the Nintendo NX will not launch with games meant only to showcase the console's capabilities but are meant to be classic, high-grade AAA games. 

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES is often cited as having some of the best launch titles for any video game console as it released with "Super Mario World," "F-Zero," "Pilotwings," "Gradius III" and "Sim City," all of which are regarded as some of the best games on the system.

It is speculated that the NX is attempting to replicate this in order to entice consumers to buy the NX immediately upon launch instead of waiting a few months when better games are available.