Nintendo NX release date could be possibly delayed to 2017

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Back when Nintendo initially announced the Nintendo NX, the company also stated that no new reports would be coming out until 2016. 2015 has passed but no word from Nintendo has been released yet and according to a report from Forbes this may indicate the NX won't hit store shelves until 2017.

According to the report, Nintendo will have to begin showcasing the Nintendo NX and its capabilities as early as now in order for it to reasonably release the console before the end of the year. Otherwise, it is more likely that the NX will be unveiled during a Nintendo Direct but will not be released until 2017.

The report points out that the upcoming Wii U game "Star Fox Zero" was initially meant to come out in 2015 but was later delayed to April this year. "The Legend of Zelda Wii U," to this day, has no official release date but is set to release for the Wii U before the end of the year.

Nintendo is reportedly not accustomed to announcing a game or console so late in the year and then to release it within the same year, similar to how Apple unveiled the iPad Pro in October last year and then released it by November. With that in mind, only the "Legend of Zelda" game might be released this year with the NX getting delayed until 2017.

The lack of information about the Nintendo NX is also said to be troublesome. Up to this point there is nothing known about it except that it is in development. There are no official photos or displays of its design, how powerful the console is, or what its controllers might be. There are no confirmations that it is indeed a hybrid of console and portable devices.

A separate report from Forbes indicates that "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" is going to be a cross-platform title and will launch not only for the Wii U but also for the NX, similar to how "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" launched for both the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii. If this proves true then both will likely be delayed to 2017.